Ryan Moore

Attaining a position at the Savannah College of Art and Design will be a natural progression in my creative career, allowing me to apply leadership, team-building, and youth mentoring expertise to enable the students of SCAD as they define, pursue, and achieve their goals.

Established in 1997, the Moore Creative Company began as a graphic design studio and evolved into a website design and development firm focusing on solution development and complex systems integrations. Managing a small team of 5-10 employees, freelance designers, and developers has involved team leadership, project management, sales, and client management.
As a designer and developer with over 25 years of experience in Moore Creative, I have undertaken roles as Designer, Illustrator, Website Developer, Team Lead, and Project Director in client projects. I have also concurrently served as Creative Director and Project Manager for partner agencies and organizations, directing their activities and client projects.
I have managed short- and long-term internships for high school and college students in graphic design and web development. My goal for these interns is to establish basic skills and professional habits which prepare them quickly for freelance work. Within the NCSU CTU I have trained adults through day and week-long courses.
In 2020 I became Scoutmaster for Mooresville Boy Scout Troop 171, allowing me to express passions for servant leadership, teaching, youth development and leadership training. Leading a “Scout-led” troop of 80-100 youth, we worked together to reinvent program activities to adapt through pandemic conditions and ensure that we thrived through events, outings, training, and personal leadership development. Within this role, I enabled and directed more than 200 meetings, coordinated over 48 outings, and supported 43 Eagle Scouts.
I look forward to applying my combined experience in business development, client relationships, and youth leadership training to benefit the programs and students of the Savannah College of Art and Design.